CategoriesInmates Health Neglected While In State Custody
June 7, 2011
Serious questions are being raised about the healthcare that inmates receive in the St. Louis jail system. The inquiry comes after multiple reports by shed light on the inadequacies and negligence of the system and workers currently in place.
The most recent case in question is that of a man who died Friday after falling ill while in custody. The man was booked for drug possession and placed into a detox and rehabilitation wing. He said he was not feeling well that afternoon during his recreational time and went back to his cell to lie down. Guards checked on him at 7PM, at which point he was fine. Thirty-four minutes later, guards found him unresponsive. The man missed his court appearance that morning because deputies claim he was “vomiting too much.”
Read the case of an HIV positive inmate who died because he did not receive proper care of his illness. Another case involves a man that received inadequate care for a heart condition he suffered from, for which he had a pacemaker. Yet another case involves an inmate who was found dead after complaining of having problems breathing.
Inmates in our jails are innocent until proven guilty, often though, they are treated as if that was the other way around. Inmates have rights to healthcare while they are in the state’s custody. If you, or someone you know, has suffered due to medical negligence contact a Missouri Medical Malpractice Lawyer with Cofman Townsley to discuss your case.