CategoriesMissouri Lawmakers Reform State’s Workers’ Compensation Program
June 10, 2013
Several major changes were recently approved to the way Missouri Workers’ Compensation Benefits are distributed to those who have been harmed while on-the-job. Senate Bill 1 will allow a wider array of injured workers to receive more money than the previous law allowed.
According to CBS News, one of the major reforms was to have businesses pay double the previous amount in surcharges to help replenish funding for disabled workers who suffer on-the-job injuries upon returning to work. More than 1,000 people who were supposed to receive funds from the trust have had their payments delayed for extended periods of time due to the cash flow shortage.
Those who have been afflicted with job-related illnesses may now also qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. Furthermore, more funding will be provided to those who have developed diseases after being exposed to asbestos as part of their jobs.
Officials say they are hopeful the changes will create a more streamlined process for those who are disabled to receive the assistance they need.
The Missouri Personal Injury Lawyers with Cofman Townsley are aware of just how complex the laws and policies regarding the distribution of disability funds can be. That’s why the firm suggests discussing your legal rights with an attorney if you are considering applying for workers’ compensation benefits or have a claim that was denied in the past.