CategoriesLack of Safety Equipment Could Lead to Shut Down of Missouri Train Systems
Trains are an essential part of hundreds of thousands of people’s daily commute. In fact, two main railways in Missouri transported more than 200,000 passengers in 2013 alone. Safety concerns that have arisen in the wake of a number of deadly train accidents could force some of Missouri’s railways to shut down sooner than later though.
Train accident avoidance systems—like Positive Train Control— were mandated by Congress to be installed on all passenger train routes in 2008; however the two main lines that transport citizens of St. Louis and Kansas City have yet to be equipped with the technology. The price tag to have the system installed? $32 million.
According to an article from McClatchy DC, the cost has prompted a debate as to who should foot the bill for installing the equipment. The companies that own the railways say they aren’t responsible for installing the equipment and the companies who operate their trains on the tracks say it isn’t their duty either.
Legislators are considering extending the deadline for the equipment so more time can be put into answering the questions regarding costs and to avoid a shutdown of the rail system.
Getting from one place to another safely is the most important thing to keep in mind. That’s why the St. Louis personal injury lawyers at Cofman Townsley Injury Lawyers are hopeful a resolution to this dispute can be found.