Not All Car Accident Injuries Are Apparent Immediately

Car accidents often result in serious injuries that visibly show the damage they can cause. Scrapes, cuts, contusions, and even disfigurement or dismemberment commonly happen in a crash, leaving victims with life-long consequences.

However, even if you feel fine after a collision, you may suffer from hidden or delayed injuries that take time to show symptoms. This can be life-threatening, making it vital to receive medical care to diagnose and treat them before they worsen.

Knowing what symptoms to look for and getting medical care right away can protect your health and right to compensation. Speak with a Missouri auto accident lawyer from Cofman Townsley to review your case.

Common Injuries That Show Up Later

Car accidents can cause injuries that might not show up immediately. Even if you think you are not seriously injured, it’s important to get checked for these injuries that might not be noticeable right away. Delayed onset injuries after a car crash can include:

Whiplash and Soft Tissue Injuries

A common delayed onset injury suffered in a car accident is whiplash. This occurs when the head is jerked forward and backward suddenly, causing strain and injury to the neck muscles and ligaments.

Signs of whiplash may not appear until hours or even days after the accident, including neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and difficulty moving the neck. Soft tissue injuries, such as bruises, strains, or sprains, can also take time to become apparent as inflammation and pain develop gradually.

Concussions/Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are another category of injuries that may not immediately show symptoms after a car accident. Even if you haven’t lost consciousness, the force of impact can still result in a brain injury.

Symptoms can range from headaches, dizziness, and memory problems to mood changes and difficulty concentrating. These signs often become more pronounced as time passes.

Back Injuries

Back injuries, such as herniated discs or spinal fractures, can be masked by adrenaline and shock in the immediate aftermath of an accident. It’s not uncommon for back pain to develop gradually, making it essential to pay attention to any persistent discomfort in the days following the collision.

Ignoring back pain can lead to more severe problems in the future, such as chronic pain and mobility issues.

Internal Injuries

Internal injuries, including bleeding or damage to organs, are serious conditions that might not show symptoms right away. Sometimes, these injuries only become noticeable when they lead to severe, potentially life-threatening issues. Getting a medical check-up can identify these internal injuries before any symptoms appear.

The Importance of Medical Evaluation Post-Accident

If you experience a delayed onset injury, you might think it’s unnecessary to see a doctor immediately after the accident. However, getting medical attention after being involved in a collision is crucial. Here’s why:

  • Hidden Injuries: Medical professionals can conduct diagnostic tests to uncover hidden injuries so you can receive treatment. For instance, they may use X-rays to detect fractures or MRIs to reveal soft tissue injuries and herniated discs.
  • Preventing Complications: Seeking prompt medical attention reduces your risk of complications. For example, a seemingly minor whiplash injury, if untreated, can lead to long-term neck pain and reduced range of motion. Early intervention with physical therapy could improve your recovery outcomes and prevent chronic problems.
  • Documentation for Insurance Claims: A thorough medical examination provides documented evidence of injuries sustained in the accident. This documentation links your injuries to the accident, which supports your compensation claim.

Documenting Delayed Injuries

In the days and weeks post-accident, continue monitoring your health and documenting your recovery process. This involves the following steps:

  • Keep a Journal: Maintain a journal documenting your daily experiences, including any new symptoms or changes in your condition. Note the date, time, and details of each symptom.
  • Follow Medical Advice: Follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations, attend all follow-up appointments, and keep all related documents. This will help in your recovery and can strengthen your case in legal proceedings.
  • Gather Evidence: Collect relevant evidence, such as medical bills, prescription receipts, and records of missed work days due to injury. This evidence can support your claims in court or during negotiations with insurance companies.
  • Consult an Attorney: If your injuries were due to another driver’s negligence, contact an experienced car accident attorney. Our legal team at Cofman Townsley can guide you through the legal process, help you gather evidence, and advocate for your rights.

Protect Your Rights and Well-Being With Experienced Legal Representation

If you suffer delayed car accident injuries like head trauma, internal bruising, or broken bones because of another driver’s actions, you deserve compensation. Our skilled attorneys at Cofman Townsley have the resources and experience to win your case.

We can consult with medical experts to understand the extent of your injuries and help you get a fair settlement for current and future expenses. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a successful recovery.