CategoriesHouse Approves Bill Reinstating Missouri Medical Malpractice Caps
In Missouri, a patient has the right to seek damages through a medical malpractice claim if they were harmed by a medical professional’s error or negligence; however, the amount the victim can receive may once again be limited after our state’s lawmakers recently approved a bill that would reinstate caps on the amount of damages that can be awarded in a Missouri medical malpractice claim.
The Insurance Journal reports the measure—known as HB 118— was approved by a vote of 101 to 53 that took place in the Missouri House of Representatives last week. It places a $350,000 limit on the amount of non-economic damages a Missouri medical malpractice victim can receive, including compensation for pain and suffering.
While those in favor of the bill say it can help keep doctors and medical professionals in the state by lowering their cost of insurance, those who are against the measure say the cap fails to protect patients who are harmed at the hands of a negligent medical professional.
The bill must receive a final approval from the house before it moves to the senate for examination. If the Senate approves the bill, it would then go before the governor. He would then veto the bill or sign it into law.
At Cofman Townsley Injury Lawyers, we understand the costs that can be associated with an injury that’s caused by a medical mistake. That’s why our St. Louis personal injury lawyers would encourage you to discuss your injury with a legal professional if you are the victim of medical malpractice and are considering filing a lawsuit. Doing so can help insure your legal rights are protected.