CategoriesFree Smoke Detectors Offered to Homeowners in Missouri
There are an enormous amount of substances and chemical reactions that can cause a fire and burn injury, but during winter months, one of the most commonly reported factors in such injuries are fires in the home.
This doesn’t necessarily mean a full-fledged house fire though. It could be a fire caused by an electric or kerosene heater, a cooking fire, or even an electrical fire. Regardless of the cause, one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from the risks of a fire and burn injury is to install smoke detectors in your home.
Luckily, families are currently able to receive free smoke detectors for their homes through the Red Cross of Eastern Missouri. To get the free detectors installed in your home, complete the form on this page. A member of the Red Cross’s staff will follow up to schedule an appointment.
At Cofman Townsley Injury Lawyers, we recognize the significant dangers fires in the home can present. That’s why our St. Louis personal injury lawyers would like to send our condolences to the families to the two people who recently lost their lives, and we would like to encourage you to call about getting the free smoke detectors if you don’t already have the devices in your home.