CategoriesFinancial Resources Available for Those Who Suffer Amputation and Loss of Limbs
Many types of injuries can make it difficult to work in the future and cause workers to need income resources to help make ends meet, but one of the most serious is the amputation and loss of limbs. That’s why our legal team at Cofman Townsley would like to outline several of the options that may be available for an amputee to receive compensation.
If your injury was the result of a workplace accident, you may be able to file for Missouri workers’ compensation benefits to help cover expenses such as medical bills and lost wages. Your case will hinge on your ability to show your employer’s negligence or failure to address a safety issue was the result of your injury.
Proving negligence could also be crucial when filing civil litigation against another person or company if your accident occurred outside the workplace, but was still someone else’s fault.
Regardless of who is liable, if you are left permanently unable to return to the workforce as a result of your amputation, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. The Social Security Administration outlines several stipulations your condition must meet in order to be approved though.
At Cofman Townsley, we know that speaking with a St. Louis personal injury attorney will be the best way to find out your legal rights and determine your best options for compensation if you’ve lost a limb. We are available to speak to you about your case and answer your questions anytime by calling (314) 499-1190.