Important Steps to Take After a Bike Accident

When you’re involved in a bike accident, your immediate actions can influence the outcome of potential legal or insurance-related situations. Taking the right steps to ensure your safety and well-being and protect your rights is critical.

Whether you’ve been involved in a minor crash or a major collision, you have the right to take legal action if someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. Understanding the steps to take after the accident can safeguard your right to compensation and ensure you receive the necessary treatment for your injuries.

Get Medical Care

Getting medical care after a bike accident is crucial for your health. It also provides documentation of your injuries for an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

After a bike accident, seek medical care at the hospital, urgent care, or your primary care physician as soon as possible. Even if you feel fine, get checked out by a healthcare professional. Some injuries, like internal bleeding or concussions, don’t show symptoms immediately, making it vital to seek medical attention even for minor injuries.

If you or anyone else involved in the accident is seriously injured, call 911 or ask a bystander to do so. If you suspect severe injuries, particularly to the head, neck, or spine, try not to move unless necessary and wait for emergency medical professionals to arrive.

Contact the Police

If you are involved in a bike accident, call 911 and find a safe place nearby until the police arrive. When they do, provide them with an accurate account of the incident. Include as many details as you can remember, such as the time, location, weather conditions, and the events leading up to the accident.

Officers will compile a police report that could serve as crucial evidence for filing a compensation claim. You and your attorney can obtain a copy of the report to support your case by filling out a Request for Traffic Crash Report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

Take Photos of the Scene

Take photos of the accident scene to document the accident. Start by taking wide-angle shots of the entire scene to provide a general overview. This should include the surrounding area and any relevant street signs, intersections, or landmarks that help identify the location. If weather or road conditions played a role in the accident, capture those as well.

Next, focus on more detailed photographs. Document any visible damage to your bicycle and any other vehicles involved, paying close attention to capturing the details of the damage. This could include bent rims, broken pedals, or any other visible signs of impact. If skid marks or debris are scattered across the road, capture those in your images, as they can help piece together how the accident occurred.

Don’t forget to photograph your injuries, however minor they may seem. Bruises, cuts, or abrasions are vital evidence of the accident’s impact.

Exchange Contact Information with the Driver

It’s important to exchange contact and insurance information with the driver involved in the accident. This information allows your attorney to submit a claim against their insurance or file a lawsuit seeking damages.

Ask the driver for their full name, contact number, address, and email. Remember to provide your contact information to them as well.

You will also need the driver’s insurance information. Request to see their insurance card and write down or photograph the company name, policy number, and contact information for their insurance provider. Also, note the vehicle’s license plate number, make, model, and color.

Collect Witness Information

If there were any witnesses to the accident, collect their information for future reference and potential testimony. Ask if they’d be comfortable sharing their information and account of the incident. Let them know their help could be vital in accurately understanding what happened.

The information you need to collect includes their full name, contact number, email address, and residential address if they are willing to provide it. You can also ask them to describe what they saw.

Meet With a Personal Injury Attorney

A personal injury attorney can provide valuable guidance regarding the complexities of Missouri bike accident laws, insurance claims, and personal injury suits. Before meeting with an attorney, gather all relevant documents and evidence related to the accident. This can include the police report, photographs of the accident scene and your injuries, your medical records, bills, witness contact information, and any correspondence with the driver.

During your initial consultation, your attorney will review this information to understand the circumstances surrounding the accident, the extent of your injuries, and the impact on your life. Be prepared to provide a detailed account of the incident and how your injuries have affected your daily activities and employment.

Based on your evidence, your attorney will discuss legal options, explain the procedures involved, and advise you on the best course of action.

Call Cofman Townsley for a Free No-Obligation Consultation

Having an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side is the best way to protect your rights after a bike crash. At Cofman Townsley, we’ve been helping cyclists fight for the compensation they deserve for more than 40 years. We are trusted and experienced Missouri and Southern Illinois lawyers with a proven track record of success.

Your initial consultation is free, so contact us to arrange your complimentary case review.