CategoriesNew Law Extends Deadlines for Government Whistleblower Claims
It’s no secret the federal government and many businesses in the United States are intertwined. That’s why it’s important to have rules in place that regulate the business practices between the two. Unfortunately, the oversight of these rules can be quite complex, which is why laws are in place to protect those who bring to light illegal business practices involving companies and the government.
Some of the most common types of government whistleblower claims seen today involve fraud. Typically, such cases arise when a business takes money from the federal or state government under false or exaggerated pretenses. Some of the most common types of fraud exposed include:
- Medicare or Medicaid Fraud
- Pharmaceutical Fraud
- Contract Fraud
Those who bring such illegal business practices to light must do so within a specified time frame, known as a statute of limitations. Luckily, the timeframe for making such a claim was recently extended. An article from The Hill explains the All Circuit Review Extension Act was recently signed into law by President Obama. The law will extend the period allowed for filing a petition for judicial review of Merit Systems Protection Board decisions, and a review of such a decision by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, from two years to five years.
There are many other laws regulating whistleblower claims, which is why it’s so important to speak with a qualified St. Louis personal injury lawyer if you suspect a company in Missouri is using illegal business practices.
At Cofman Townsley Injury Lawyers, our legal staff is here to assist you with your needs if you have a government whistleblower case. Call us today at 314-499-1190 to learn more about how we can help.